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В.В. Путин

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Leon, Donna

About Face

At a dinner party given by his parents-in-law, Comissario Brunetti meets Franca Marinello, the wife of a prosperous Venetian businessman. He's charmed - perhaps too charmed, suggests his wife Paola - by her love of Virgil and Cicero, but shocked by her appearance. A few days later, Brunetti is visited by Carabinieri Maggior Filippo Guarino from the nearby city of Marghera. As part of a wider investigation into Mafia takeovers of businesses in the region, Guarino wants information about the owner of a trucking company who has found murdered in his office. He believes the man's death is connected to the illegal transportation of refuse - and more sinister material - in his company's trucks. No stranger to mutual suspicion and competition between rival Italian police departments, Brunetti is nevertheless puzzled by the younger man's paranoid behaviour. Eventually Guarino agrees to email a photo of his suspect, but by the time the photograph arrives, he himself is dead. Was he killed...

[ Бестселлеры ]


Юрий Колкер о поэзии Давида Самойлова: "Поэт с эпитетом"
"Самойлов - поэт. Это так много, что можно не продолжать. Это так мало в нашей сегодняшней луже, что придется продолжить..."

Эссе Ян Пробштейн "Русский футуризм и авангард"
"Как известно, революция футуристов началась с их бунта против истории, яростных атак на прошлое, они преклонялись перед техническими изобретениями своего времени, все возраставшей скоростью, бредили будущим. Некоторые исследователи литературы называют эт
> admin@aubooks.ru <

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